When I realized we are entering a new year, I looked back and realized how far my health & life has come since I did my first health cleansing protocol. It seems like only yesterday I was stuck in bed all day 100 pounds overweight, face full of acne, I endured constant aches, pains, anxiety, depression, and felt overly exhausted & over-stimulated by our fast paced culture.
Fast forward 13 years, I lost over 100 pounds (pictured below), improved my energy, mood, and for the most part, eliminated my physical pain…all without medications, surgeries, or strenuous exercise! I couldn’t be more grateful for this last decade’s personal transformation, but the best part about detoxing my life, was the ability to drastically help change the lives and health of others in our community!
Why We Choose Failure.
When I began working with individuals one-on-one, I soon began to see a pattern in why those seeking health solutions before had failed. It seemed that the choices that these folks were making were failing them. But why? I discovered that the choices that were available did not address the root of the issues causing the problems in the first place, AND these folks were not prepared or ready for the transformation that came along with addressing these core health issues.
Real Solutions
It became apparent that the true path to lasting change was getting to the core and GETTING REAL! If we aren’t ready to take a clear look at who we are, why we make the choices we do, and to stop blaming others for why we are this way, we will continue to climb the mountain of success, only to slide back down again.
The “Real” Brigade
More and more folks were showing up at Firefly Hollow Wellness wanting real solutions for their health issues! They wanted to no longer have limited options for their wellness, and they really wanted to explore who they are, and how they got to where they were. It is thanks to them, that we are helping numerous community members completely transform their lives! Cheers to the Success of the “Real” Brigade! You know who you are, and we are eternally grateful for your continued support & amazing spirit! 😉
Mind Body Detox
This calling from our community led to the birth of the Mind Body Detox program. I created this program for these amazing community members who were READY for change, & to help them holistically transform their lives: Mind, Body, & Spirit. The program offers total “life cleansing” with an integrative approach.
Detox Options
There are many programs on the market for cleansing & detoxing and there are many ways to cleanse. Good detox protocol options should directly address current health issues, fit your schedule & budget, and be supported by your doctor.
Common Types of Detox
1. Digestive Cleansing- Colon, Liver, Gallbladder
2. Sugar/Candida Cleanse (Includes Artificial Sweeteners)
3. Parasite Cleansing
4. Heavy Metal Detoxification
5. Hormone/Thyroid Balancing
6. Kidneys/Bladder
7. Blood/Lymph
8. Environmental Toxins- Alcohol, Smoke, Pesticides, Chemicals, Water, Etc.
9. Psycho-Spiritual- Negativity, Emotions, Toxic People
10. Space Cleansing- Clutter & Optimizing Energy Flow
What’s Your 20/22 “Vision”?
Ushering in the year 2022 & seeing our health more clearly, may help us to finally make the changes we have been putting off for years. If you have been wishing to eliminate any symptoms relating to energy levels, sleep, weight, mental health, physical pain, or just needing a “re-boot,” a gentle cleanse or detox is a great way to start!
Where Do I Start? Ask yourself:
1. What is that ONE thing I keep putting off?
2. What have I tried before? (If anything.)
3. What worked & what didn’t?
4. What may I not be seeing clearly? (OR afraid to see clearly?)
5. How can I benefit from finally addressing this issue?
6. What are the steps I am willing to take NOW?
Are You Ready?
These are important questions that each of us need to ask about all areas of our lives. Detox includes more than just physical components. How are our finances? Our time management? Our belief systems? Could we de-clutter? Drink more water? Spend more time with our families? Spend less time complaining? What is it that we KNOW we need to do!? These are the questions that change each of us one person at a time, and ripple out to effect our community.
Signs You Could Benefit From a Detox
1. Low Energy
2. Skin Ailments
3. Emotional Imbalance- Stress, Anxiety, Melancholy, Frustration
4. Hormonal Imbalance/Menstruation Problems
5. Sleep Imbalances
6. Digestion Imbalances- Constipation, Heart Burn, Diarrhea, Gas
7. Inflammation- Pain, Headaches, or Swelling
8. Brain Fog/Mental Sluggishness
9. Sensitivities to Environment-Physical (Allergies), or Sensory Overload
10. Purposelessness-Are you following your soul’s path?
Potential Benefits of Detox
1. Balance Energy Levels
2. Skin Clarity/Improvement
3. Emotional Balance
4. Hormone Balance & Graceful Menstruation
5. Improved Quality of Sleep
6. Improved/Balanced Digestion
7. Decreased Pain, Swelling, Headaches, and/or Inflammation
8. Improved Mental Clarity
9. Improved/Disappearance of Allergies & Environmental Sensitivities
10. Knowing & Living your Passion & Purpose!
Is Our Culture Ready?
Our culture is beginning to show signs of wanting to get real! We demand honest, authentic, leaders. Our food is being marketed to us as “all natural” or “real” ingredients. We seek “real” connection in relationships in the sea of surface social media exchanges. We want the all natural real pain relief! (CBD, essential oils, massage therapy, chiropractic, etc.). We seek real & direct spiritual connection with our higher power. We want real authentic & unique art, jewelry, decor, & other products versus pre-fabricated items. There are many more things I could list, but you get the point.
Who knows what the year 2022 will bring, but with “real” topics trending, continue to keep your eye on what we as a culture are highlighting, because it is ABOUT TO GET MORE REAL!
Warmth & Wellness to you All!
Kara Lovehart
About Kara
Kara Lovehart is the owner & operator of Firefly Hollow Holistic Wellness Center, Medical Intuitive, a Licensed Massage Therapist, Energy Medicine Practitioner, Creator of the Mind Body Detox Program, Spiritual Consultant, and Intuitive Life Coach. She has what many call the gift of “spiritual sight.” Each of her 5 senses extend beyond the physical and she is able to See, Hear, Feel, Taste, Smell, and know the world around her from a parallel perspective. This blending of senses has allowed her to help her clients locate & heal physical & emotional ailments, mend relationships, identify & clear blocks to love, abundance, and much more!
History In Wellness
Kara has been working in the wellness field practicing massage & energy medicine since 2006. She worked as a Chiropractic Assistant for 7 years while she continued her education for Biology. She received her massage training from Harrisburg Area Community College Massage Therapy Program. She is the founder of the Central Pennsylvania Holistic Network (Now called CHI-Community for Holistic Integration), a member of Toastmasters International, a member of AMTA (American Massage Therapy Association), and is licensed/insured through the state of Pennsylvania.
Services Offered Are:
• Integrative Massage & Reflexology • Integrative Energy Healing • Intuitive Coaching • Mind Body Detox Program • Afterlife Communication& Aura Reading • Reiki & Chakra Balancing • Aromatouch Technique • Oracle & Tarot Reading • Biofield Analysis (Aura Reading) • Cupping • Thai Table Massage